Saturday 15 March 2008

Leading scientist suggests we're fucked, basically.

'Enjoy life while you can. Because if you're lucky it's going to be 20 years before it hits the fan.'

James Lovelock is a bit of a kooky scientist dude. Noone ever takes anything he says seriously, like his Gaia hypothesis: that the entire planet is one big self-regulating organism. And then about 30 years later anything he says is confirmed by all those lab heads. He could be dead smug about it, only he's normally saying terrible things about how we've fucked up and we need to sort it out now. The major problem we have is he's been saying that since the 60's, which means we're now about 50 years too late to do anything about it, by his estimations.

I like Lovelock, he's got outside-the-box ideas, without being one of those nutters that thinks you can heal heart disease with fucking crystals. And he truly, genuinely believes that we're utterly utterly fucked. Which I'm not really sure how to take, to be honest.

Read the full article here, it'll only take a few minutes, and it's very interesting.

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